Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome to Newly frum

As someone who became religious some time ago, one of the biggest hurdles for me is the costs. Sure there are many online sources to buy, but it can get very expensive very quickly. For other items, it's a matter of find a source for that unique but very much desired treat. 

Rarely is it discussed, but the costs of becoming and staying frum can get pricey. Starting to keep kosher means replacing much of one's kitchen and dining pieces. Some kosher food items can be difficult to find even when willing and able to buy them, so finding new links is such a delight.

Not to mention for ladies, upgrading one's wardrobe means at the very least, purchasing shells, wearing dresses and skirts with longer sleeves and hems.

For out of town folks, it's often difficult to find much needed Judiaca and finding out about good deals as they come and not two days after the online sale ended. In many cases, out of towners also wind up moving to a larger community, so there are significant relocation experiences.

As a frugal bargain shopper, I have enjoyed the challenges of becoming religious while not maxing out my credit cards. I've often informally shared my "finds" with my friends, but I'd love to reach out to a wider audience. Hence this blog has been created. I'm going to post links to sites that I've personally used in my journey along with the the sales I come across these days.

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